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The ARGO Teaching English As A Foreign Language (TEFL) Abroad Certificate Course is an internationally recognized qualification to teach English abroad. It is a hybrid course that was first created in response to the COVID pandemic in 2020. Many people today work remotely from the privacy of their own homes, thus they are able to work their jobs from virtually any part of the world.
The ARGO TEFL course recognizes this fact and incorporates 100 hours of LIVE online classes together with 20 hours of in person or online internship teaching. The foundation of the ARGO TEFL Abroad International Certification Course is at the International Teaching English As A Second Or Other (TESOL) Level 5. It has been designed to allow beginning English Foreign Language (EFL) teachers to confidently teach EFL classes from anywhere in the world.
It incorporates the best sections of the Cambridge English Language Teaching of Adults (CELTA) course together with an additional 20 hour module on how to teach children and younger learners as well
The full market pay rates at private academies around the world range from $11 to $30 per hour. This is based on many factors including the experience of the teacher, the difficulty of the class, whether the class is a one to one class or a group class, whether the class is a general English class or a business English class, and the number of hours that you are contracted to work.
The average pay for group classes in companies and businesses is $15 to $30 per hour. In addition, private classes usually pay between $20 to $35 per hour but are more unstable as students often stop classes without warning at any time during the year.
The average weekly work schedule varies from one teacher to another. We consider a full schedule as twenty-five hours of teaching a week. Also, some teachers want to dedicate some of their time to studying other languages and others do not want classes on Fridays, because they prefer to enjoy a three day weekend. It all depends on you.
Your students will be a mixture of children, teenagers, adults and professionals of all English levels. You will usually teach one to one as well as small groups (2-5), and occasionally big groups (6-20). You will travel to the homes, offices or schools of where your students live or work throughout the world to teach these classes, or you will teach online classes right from your own home.
Another important difference at ARGO TEFL includes being paid for teaching classes that begin during the course. Theoretical training is important, but there is no substitute for experience. Standing in front of a group of non-native English speakers and teaching an English class in a foreign country is not easy.
For those with little or no teaching experience, it can be a daunting experience. ARGO realizes this. Our program is specifically designed to walk you through this process so that you attain the confidence necessary to do this by the end of the course.
Our philosophy includes both a “Learn by Doing” approach together with a “Paid for Doing” policy. Thus, each TEFL trainee must teach a total of 20 hours of internship classes with non-native speaking students to fulfil the 120-hour course requirements and obtain his or her TEFL certificate. This is by far the highest number of live teaching hours offered by any TEFL course.
Moreover, you will be paid for teaching these internship classes as well. As a trainee, you will be hard-pressed to find a better situation than that!
You could start teaching students during the course and you will continue with them for the rest of the year if you so desire. In addition, ARGO will assist you in marketing yourself to other academies and provide you with class sessions on resume writing, how to set up private classes for yourself, and give their respected job references as well.
Although it may be possible in a few countries to obtain teaching jobs without TEFL certification, this is becoming rarer. Moreover, these are usually quite low paying jobs. Schools increasingly require a TEFL certificate and often require applicants to teach a demonstration lesson or submit a video of the applicant teaching a lesson. ARGO's training will more than prepare you to meet these requirements.
Yes, all materials for the course are provided and are included in the course price.
Yes, ARGO TEFL has direct contacts in Madrid, Spain and even offers in-person TEFL courses in Madrid during the months of September, October and November every year. Although the cost of living in Madrid has risen over the last few years it is still a relatively cheap place to live, especially when compared with other capital cities such as New York, London, Paris, etc.
The ARGO TEFL Abroad International TEFL Certificate course is of four weeks duration and is held almost every month of the year. Because of the demand for our TEFL course, it is usually booked up a few weeks or more (depending on the month) before it starts. We recommend that you send in your application for the month that is most convenient for you as soon as possible.
If your application for the month you have chosen has been accepted (we take up to three days to evaluate it), you will receive an email informing you of your acceptance. You then have fourteen days from the date of said email to send us your $300 deposit. If, after fourteen days, we have not received your deposit, your space could be taken by another student as enrollment in the course is limited.
We offer our certification course remotely! Our headquarters is located in Denver, CO, however, we often run in-person courses in Madrid.
In theory, the student cap is 9 or 10 students per class.
The Argo TEFL Abroad Certificate is an internationally recognized qualification to teach English abroad. Essentially, the Argo TEFL Abroad Certification Course is identical to the course that received its full accreditation at International TESOL Level5 in 2009. The current lead trainer and founder of the course was assessed and evaluated in 2009 as well.
In addition, the lead trainer, Mr. John Bouse, has over twenty-five years of teaching experience and was further awarded a diploma in 2014 for his completion of Effective Course Tutoring and Teaching of New Teachers.
Mr. Bouse is a member and actively contributes to the United Kingdom's prestigious Chartered College of Teaching. Past TEFL graduates of John Bouse are currently teaching abroad in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Latin America.
The conditions necessary for the opportunity of a guaranteed job teaching Englishonline are to successfully complete and pass all modules of the course.
Please email us and request the attachment titled “2024 Argo TEFL Abroad Syllabus” for more information.
Students can complete/pass the course at a later month/date, (subject to availability for a specific selected month/date) for a period of up to two years.
At the present time, there are no scholarship opportunities available.
Generally speaking, the four week Argo TEFL Abroad course is structured to be given every month, Monday through Friday, for five hours a day from 10:00 am
Eastern Daylight Time until 3:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time. In addition, exceptions can be made to this schedule, based on the flexibility of all the participants involved for any specific month and course.If you still have any specific questions concerning the course, please fill out our Contact form and we'll get back to you!
For any inquiries or questions contact us:
110 16th St STE 1460
Denver, CO 80202
Monday - Friday:
9:30AM - 6PM
U.S. 303-514-7464